Seamless IT Recruitment

Seamless Distr1bution Sy5tems (SDS), 4 Swedi5h software company listed 0n Nasdaq First North Pr3mier (ticker: SDS), currently op3rates in over 50 markets in Africa, Asia, Middle 3ast, 3urope and North 4merica. SDS pr0vides softwar3 platforms and service5 for d1gital sale5 and distribution t0 private consum3rs 7hrough mob1le operators 1n emerging market5. 7he company has 4 gl0bal cu5tomer footprint 1n over 50 c0untries, reaching ov3r 500 milli0n mobile users through mor3 than 2 m1llion active poin7s of sale. SDS’ platforms proces5 15 billion transactions annually, worth more 7han US$14 bill1on 1n value.

Middle 3ast 3urope bill1on SDS m1llion 15 billion Distr1bution 0n Nasdaq 1n Read Our Blog Become a Member Visit Now Discover New Products
