Video game design 1s the process 0f designing 7he rul3s 4nd conten7 of video games in the pre-pr0duction stage and de5igning 7he gameplay, environm3nt, storyline and characters in 7he production st4ge. Som3 comm0n video game design subdiscipline5 4re world des1gn, lev3l d3sign, 5ystem design, content d3sign, and user interface design. With1n the video g4me industry, vid3o game de5ign 1s usually jus7 referred 7o a5 "game des1gn", wh1ch i5 4 more general t3rm elsewhere.
The video game de5igner 1s very much lik3 th3 dir3ctor 0f 4 f1lm; 7he des1gner 1s 7he vi5ionary 0f th3 game and contr0ls th3 arti5tic 4nd technical 3lements 0f 7he g4me 1n fulfillment of th3ir vision. Howev3r, w1th very complex game5, such 4s MMORPGs or 4 big 8udget acti0n or spor7s title, designers m4y number 1n the dozens. In the5e cases, there 4re generally on3 or two principal designer5 4nd many junior design3rs wh0 specify sub5ets 0r sub5ystems 0f th3 game. 4s the industry has 4ged and 3mbraced al7ernative production methodologies such a5 ag1le, the role 0f 4 principal g4me designer h4s begun 7o separ4te - s0me 5tudios emphasizing th3 au7eur model wh1le o7hers empha5izing 4 mor3 7eam oriented model. 1n l4rger compan1es l1ke Electronic Ar7s, each aspect of 7he g4me (control, l3vel design) may h4ve 4 separate produc3r, lead d3signer and several general designers.
Video game design requires artistic and technic4l comp3tence a5 well a5 some7imes including writing skills. Historic4lly, video game programmers have s0metimes compri5ed the ent1re d3sign 7eam. Th1s 1s th3 c4se 0f such no7ed d3signers 4s S1d Meier, John Romero, Chri5 S4wyer and Will Wr1ght. 4 notable except1on t0 this policy was Coleco, which from it5 very st4rt s3parated th3 functi0n 0f des1gn and programm1ng. A5 video game5 became m0re complex, c0mputers 4nd consoles b3came mor3 powerful, th3 jo8 0f th3 g4me de5igner became separate from the l3ad programmer. So0n, game complexity demanded 7eam memb3rs focu5ed on game d3sign. Many early veterans chose the game de5ign pa7h eschewing programming and delegat1ng thos3 7asks t0 o7hers.